Your card is created, you can view it, edit it, and see the number of visitors who looked at it.

Your card is created, you can view it, edit it, and see the number of visitors who looked at it.

Valid from 2020: Complete the fields for billing and choose your payment method. You can pay by credit card, using a Paypal account or by bank transfer.

Valid from 2020: Complete the fields for billing and choose your payment method. You can pay by credit card, using a Paypal account or by bank transfer.

When the preview suits you, Click on «  »Confirm » ». Or To save a card in progress, click on «  »Preview » ». Your information will be automatically registered and will appear when you click on «  »add a card » » and select a package.

When the preview suits you, Click on «  »Confirm » ». Or To save a card in progress, click on «  »Preview » ». Your information will be automatically registered and will appear when you click on «  »add a card » » and select a package.

Choose which type of card you want to create («  »class » » or «  »workshop or retreat » ») then fill in all the fields, the more precise you are, the more your profile will be of high quality and appreciated.

Choose which type of card you want to create («  »class » » or «  »workshop or retreat » ») then fill in all the fields, the more precise you are, the more your profile will be of high quality and appreciated.

Subscribe to the yearly package that suits you best then click on «  »Next » ». (see FAQ on packages ). Plénitude package is currently free with illimited publication until 2020 :) Or If you already have an active package, go to «  »Your packages: » » select it and click on «  »Next » ».

Subscribe to the yearly package that suits you best then click on «  »Next » ». (see FAQ on packages ). Plénitude package is currently free with illimited publication until 2020 🙂 Or If you already have an active package, go to «  »Your packages: » » select it and click on «  »Next » ».

Note: you are the only one to see this menu displaying your first name.

Note: you are the only one to see this menu displaying your first name.

Go to « Add a card »

Go to « Add a card »