The « »retreats or workshops » » cards will expire on the date of the beginning of the retreat or workshop + 1 day , or if the start date of the retreat begins after the expiration date of the package, the card will expire at the end of the package .
The « »retreats or workshops » » cards will expire on the date of the beginning of the retreat or workshop + 1 day , or if the start date of the retreat begins after the expiration date of the package, the card will expire at the end of the package .
The « »class » » cards will expire at the same time as your package.
The « »class » » cards will expire at the same time as your package.
Register Concrete examples: The packages are valid for one year from the date of subscription of the package . With a package, you can create cards (see FAQ What’s a card? ).
Register Concrete examples: The packages are valid for one year from the date of subscription of the package . With a package, you can create cards (see FAQ What’s a card? ).
Unlimited number of cards
Unlimited number of cards